By Artemis Walden
Ever since I saw “Ashley and Mary-Kate go too Paris” I wanted to go too.
We pull up too are apartment we will be staying in for the next two weeks. There are a pair of big wooden doors, we punch the password in and one of the doors unlocks. We walk into the little courtyard. The sounds of traffic fade out behind us. We all go up the steps to our little apartment and Sam ( the woman’s place we’re staying in) is waiting for us there. Sam shows us around the artsy and quite large apartment. To my surprise there’s a bunny in one of the bedrooms. Sam says she’s going to take it to her son, but I can pick it up until she leaves. Also in the same room there’s a doll house fully decorated “I’m going to have fun with this” I think to myself getting excited to change the little rooms around. I love the apartment, it’s so artistic and retro, but at the same time very cosy.
We all wave goodbye too Sam and thank her for letting us stay in her apartment.
Its around two in the afternoon and we’re feeling pretty tired from the flight. We hang at the apartment and rest for about two hours and before we know it it’s 4:00. When we finally get out the door all I can think to myself is “ I’m in Paris! PARIS!!!!!”
How long have we been walking? It seems like a long time and I can feel it in my feet, which are aching. Heading to the Eiffel Tower with my eyes scanning the streets for a Patisserie. As we walk across the street I can see the Eifel Tower. It’s not that far away. We’ve been in Paris for 3 days and we’re finally going too the Eifel Tower. I see a Patisserie across the street and quickly run over too it, with dad right behind me. As we walk inside a delicious smell of fresh made Baguette comes too our noses. I look at the selection of pastries. There it is. Exactly what I’m looking for. A pure chocolate tart with a little raspberry on top. “Dad? I’m gonna get this one.” After dad picks out a few more chocolate pastries the girl puts them all in a cute box with a bow. Our plan is too eat pastries lying on the grass in front of the Eifel Tower. I can hardly wait!
When we reach the nice grassy field we choose a perfect spot that’s half in the sun (for Baba.Gido,Caleb and mom) and half in the shade (me and dad). It’s a beautiful day outside. My mouth is salivating as we open the box of pastries and all take one. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm the chocolate tart is exactly what I wanted. Mixed with the sweet/sour taste of a raspberry it’s heaven! I feel so French sitting in front of the Eifel Tower eating pastries. When we all finish are little treats, mom and dad go too see how long the line’s are too go up the Eifel Tower while the rest of us stay on the grass and rest.
After lying on the grass for a while we decide to leave and come back too the Eiffel Tower another day when Baba and Gido aren’t there (because they’ve already been up and we didn’t feel like waiting in line for 4 hours). After some contemplation we decide that Caleb will go back to the apartment ( because he was tired), mom and dad will go walk around, and me Baba and Gido will go shopping.
Oh my god! This dress looks so cute I could die! It’s a baby-doll dress that’s really puffy but has only two layers. It’s because its pleated and folded so much that it puffs right out and looks adorable! Too bad its 470 Euros. And with the Canadian dollar so low it’s about 700$. It’s just not fair! Ahh well I have too get a different dress. Throughout the rest off the day I find two more cute dresses, but its just so expensive here in Paris. I tried on a dress in Zara and decide too go too the Zara in Montreal too get the dress, so it will be in Canadian currency and it will be cheaper. So much for shopping in Paris=)
By: Artemis Walden
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