We needed somewhere to crash after months of ongoing travel, but we were not sure where. After Israel, we had planned to visit Jordan and Egypt, places we anticipated involved much galavanting. Where were we going to really relax? We put out a request to the universe for an “angel” to come and lead us to our next destination.
Well low and behold our request was answered. The angel arrived in the form of Bob, a tourist from Vancouver Island, who was with us on one of the walking tours around Jeruslam. He came forth more than willingly with detailed informaton about Jordan and Egypt and in particular about a fabulous place to crash, Dahab, Egypt. He had just travelled there and had particularily enjoyed his relaxed stay in Dahab so much he would have easily rested there for much longer.
Dahab only being a few hours drive from southern Israel seemed perfect, so there we went and there we had our holiday.
Who would have thought in the middle of the Sinai Desert on the shores of the Red Sea there would be such a jem of a little town. Known for diving, the Arabs have created a very relaxing, comfortable retreat for any travellor. There are resorts all along the shore of the Red Sea. Dahab is just one small town peaceful and not too touristy but expanded enough to possess everthing a lazy tourist could require.
We arrived in the mid afternoon exhausted. Our driver introduced us to a hotel and being to tired to explore around we crashed there. It was a lovely little seaside bungalow but the bed was just not up to my standards for heavy nesting and the flies that filled the room in the morning were intolerable, so we switched the next day. We remained at The Octopus Resort for the next 12 days.
For the first number of days we could do nothing more but sleep and eat. Finally having a place to relax we really let go. We were all so happy to just sleep in late, do nothing all day, chill and then go to bed early.
Ok you must be thinking we are all so spoiled. Here we are travelling for a year, free to do whatever we want and wine wine wine, we are soooo tired. Much to our surprise travelling and moving all the time IS very tiring after a while. Routine starts to look very attractive. One has to literally stop and take a break from the constant moving and stimulation.
After about a week of a similar slow routine we inched our way back. We knew the town quite well and had knowledge from all the locals about all the activities it had to offer. First on the list for the kids and Mark was to try diving. I on the otherhand started a morning Yoga routine. Diving was quite different than they had experienced up to this point as the water was much cooler and fish were not as abundant. Just getting back into the water with a tank and mask was thrill enough for them however.
Mark, Caleb and I ventured oned day on the dune buggies, which they both enjoyed. Yes Caleb was allowed to drive one eventhough it indicated right on the buggy that no one under 16 was allowed. It also said `No going on public Roads`, `No doubling``, ``No drinking and driving``. The first two of which we did.
The flies remained a constant throughout our stay in Dahab. We have never experienced such aggressive flies. They fly right for your face, your eyes, land on you and stay put until you shake vigorously. As soon as the sun rises so do the flies. If you happen to get one in your room, they will pester you until you have no choice but to throw the cover over your head or get up and squish it. At breakfast they come out in groves. Needless to say you eat quickly in the morning. By sunset the flies are sleeping. And as you sit in one of the many chilled out restaruants along the water you are bombarded by cats. They are everywhere meowing, purring, scrounging, lounging, begging. Restaurants have waterspray bottles for their customers to scare off the cats during dinner time.
Speaking about eating out in Dahab, it is the chill event of the day. Most of the restaurants are located right on the waterfront. Each one is decorated in colorful Arabic materials and hanging lamps. There are huge cushions everywhere where one can lounge for hours and of course there is the Hooka Pipe where you smoke the flavored tabacco. Everyone is smoking and lounging and eating amongst the cats. Its fabulous.
A few days later we all headed out for horseback riding in the desert mountains. Caleb retreated terrified after his horse acted up in the first 5 minutes. The rest of us were in for the surprise of our lives.
The ride started easy walking out of the town towards the mountains. Once we were all off the roads, trotting. As soon as we began to ascend the slow long uphill wind into the mountains the horses excitement level rose. The guide held us back until a point and then suddenly he took off galloping yelling for everyone to follow. The horses began to charge. Artemis held on terrified at first but soon relaxed becoming one with the horse. At one point I was racing with another horse (rider Sabine from Holland) at lightning speeds. The guide was behind, Mark was yahooing closeby and the two of us were screaming with delight as we all held on for dear life.
The ride continued with further galloping along the beachfront and then through the town. It was such an exhilerating outing. I tell you there is nothing like doing activities in other coutries where there are no rules or restrictions. At the end we were just shaking with the adrenaline rush. Sabine joined us for a drink after where we recounted the unforgettable ride.
The food in Dahab was delicious. Once Artemis and Mark discovered the delicious barbecued lamb, it was lamb for them everynight, always searching out for the best in town. Food is quite inexpensive, rooms very reasonable and the hospitality welcoming. The Dahab Arabs are friendly and we made a number of acquaintances in and around the town in no time. There is a lacking presence of women which is disconcerting at first. The men are hospitable and eager however to help make your stay enjoyable.
It being winter in Dahab was also benificial. Not many tourists and moderate temperatures. The temperature reached about 25 in the day and sometimes with the wind whistling off the water, it can get quite chilly in the evening. It kept us snuggled up and cozy at night.
After 15 days chill`in we were ready to venture back on the travellors trail. With all of Egpyt to see we were raring to go.
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