Written by Lianna - Random writing
Each of us only possesses a small backpack to carry everything for this trip. Because of this we have to be very frugal with what we possess. Books are the most difficult to accumulate, being heavy and cumbersome. I have already 3 books I carry and that alone takes up a large amount of space as well as creates weight. So we trade books as we go along on our Journey.
One book I did not take and I had been wanting to read again was “ The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book”.
We were on Koh Tao in Thailand at the time I had this earge to read it. After dinner one evening, the kids and Mark were watching a movie, “Wanted” one I do not particularly like, on the big screen at the restaurant when I decided to check out a second hand bookstore nearby.
I walked around the bookstore looking at all sorts of titles, thinking first maybe I would find a good novel or maybe an interesting book on the politics of Thailand. Nothing intrigued me. I then remembered what I was there for. I told myself very clearly that the book I wanted was here.
Finally stumbling upon the section of books left somewhat unclassified, I scanned the titles. I stood there in amazement as I read the binding, “ The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book”. One has to realize that this book is not easily found even in bookstores of North America. It was in excellent condition as well as being a copy published in 1974, I believe a first edition, a gem and practically an antique. Who knows how long it had been sitting there in this little remote island off of the southeast coast of Thailand.
I have just finished reading a section from “The Nature of Personal Reality: A Seth Book”, on an exercise to generate energy to create reality or cure an illness through.
I have been wanting to strengthen my eyesight. Last year I was prescribed with glasses after having headaches from working on the computer and realizing reading was becoming more and more difficult. So I have done what is explained below. And I will try it a number of times. I have also every morning recited to myself that “I have strong, healthy eyesight. My eyes are beautiful and able to see clearly and precisely”.
I have held beliefs that eyesight gets worse as one gets over 40 years old, as I think many of us do believe. I do realize that we age and grow older and then eventually die, but we can age healthily and strongly and there is no reason to believe that sickness has to be a part of aging. So it can not hurt to strengthen beliefs in health and certainly can not hurt to try some simple and fun exercises.
So here is the exercise Seth explains to help with any illness.
“Imagine yourself a portion of an invisible universe, but one in which all the stars and planets are conscious and full of indescribable energy. You are aware of this. Think of this universe as having the form of a body. If you want to, visualize its outline brilliant against the sky. The suns and planets are your cells, each filled with energy and power but awaiting your direction.
Then see this image exploding into your own consciousness, which is unbelievably bright. Realize that it is a portion of a far greater multidimensional structure, spread out in an even richer dimension. Feel the entity sending you energy as you send energy to your cells. Let it fill your being and then direct it physically any place with your body that you choose.
If instead there is a physical event that you strongly desire then use that energy to imagine its actual occurrence as vividly as you can. If you follow there directions and understand the meaning for them as given, you will find the results most starling and effective. Energy may be directed to any portion of the body, and if you do not block its actions by disbeliefs, that portion will be cured. Remember, however: If you hold the belief that you are a sickly person, that can hinder you. In that case, then, to change that particular kind of belief is your first concern. One of the purposes of this book is to tell you that no one is born to be a sickly person, so reading it can help you there.
In your terms, if you believe that you chose illness to compensate for a past-life deficiency, then it will help you to realize that you form your reality NOW in your present, and can therefore change it.
Later we will discuss such matters as birth defects. Here we are speaking about conditions that CAN be physically corrected-but not the growth of an arm if you were born without one, for example, or the correction of other lacks in the body at birth.”
“the nature of personal reality: A Seth Book” by Jane Roberts, session 637, page 186-187
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