Introduction from Lianna, Scuba diving by Artemis
Koh Tao is a small island off the Southeast coast of Thailand. Taking a boat from the mainland, Koh Tao is about a 75 minute boat ride. We took the large catamaran which holds a couple hundred people. The waves were very rough and although Artemis and I managed to make it through, there were many passengers heaving over the side, including Caleb. Mark and Caleb spent the whole journey on the upper deck with many others, trying to make it through the journey.
On a small island, in a hut, living simple lives of swimming, snorkelling, reading and napping, eating slow delicious meals, sleeping long comfortable sleeps. That is what I did in Koh Tao for 9 lovely days.
Our Hut for 9 days
For four of those days the kids and Mark learned to Scuba Dive gaining their PADI certification as Scuba Divers. While they were busy studying and diving I took the time to go for a few runs to the other side of the island where the wind was soaring and the waves crashing on the shore. On the side of the island we lived, it was much calmer and snorkelling, beach tanning was the main activity.
Scuba diving
Koh Tao, Thailand
I went Scuba Diving! I actually did it! I am now a certified PADI Scuba Diver, Lets rewind a bit to the first day.
I’m on a boat. I’m about to jump in the water and do my first dive. I no I’m ready after sitting in a classroom for 3 days learning about Scuba Diving, all the dangers it brings and how to prevent them, or how much fun it is and things you’ll see. Now it’s time to put that knowledge to use.
Boat heading out for Scuba diving - the yellow one
My Scuba diving teacher says “everyone ready?” We nod then he shows us how to jump in the water. Right hand on your regulator and mask, left hand on your wait belt, look straight forward take a step of the boat and into the water. I watch attentively and nod my head. He jumps in and I realise I’m next. The boat we’re on is swaying so much from the waves; the tank is so heavy on my back I can barely stand. On top of that my fins are on my feet so I cant walk that well. My stomach is doing flips like this boat, man is it wavy out here. I stumble forward and do what the instructor did. I take a deep breath and jump.
My head pops up instantly. The instructor tells me to fully inflate my BCD (buoyancy control device). I do as he tells me and then swim away from the boat so the other people can jump. My dad jumps next then my brother. I watch as there heads pop out of the water one at a time. There are only 5 people in are group including the instructor.
After we’re all in the water the instructor (Nacho) signals to go to the rope. We’re supposed to descend while holding on to the rope so it’s easier to go to the bottom. The bottom is 12 meters deep. We all swim over to the rope and slowly start to descend while deflating are BCDs. As you descend you have to equalize your ears, witch means to pinch your nose and blow through it. Then I see it. The coral, the fish, the bottom.Instantlly all my fears disappear and I am overcome with amazement and curiosity. There are two big rocks and wedged between them is the rope. I look around and see 2 schools of fish pass by each school containing about 100 fish. Nacho signals to let go of the rope and to follow him, and we do.
Returning from the first dive.
Exploring the under sea world is one of the most amazing, thriling, scarry and beautiful experiences in my life. There is life and action in every direction I look. As we swim along I see Spotted Groupers witch are about a foot long and its either black grey or white with polka dots all over its body like a cheetah. We see lots of Butterfly fish that travel in pairs for their whole life. Butterfly fish are the shape of a rounded square with a little triangle fin, they’re as flat as a pancake and they’ve got pointed faces. Nacho points out a Blue Spotted Stingray that’s hiding under a rock, its baby blue with some yellow dotes on its back. Me and my dad are looking around and then Nacho signals to come over. We see our group is huddled in line they’re all looking at a fish a couple of meters away, it’s a Trigger fish. Trigger fish are about one and a half feet long they’re round and have got glowing eyes, there supposed to be dangerous. Nacho says they bite your fines. He has showed us a dent in his fin from a Trigger fish biting him. It looks like the Trigger fish is eating something, we stare at it for a few minutes then move on. Caleb (my brother) starts to nudge me and then points to a Puffer fish (its not puffed) they can only puff up 3 or 4 times in their life. The Puffer fish has kind of a square head and then its body slimes like a pyramid (its head as the bottom). We stare at it for a while. Near the Puffer fish I see an Angel fish. It is a beautiful fish. It’s kind of the same shape as a Butterfly fish but it’s more rounded and much bigger but still quite flat. It is black with the most shimmery gorgeous blue stripes down its body. They’re not strait stripes they are wavy stripes. Of course we saw lots of anemonies with clown fish living in them. I see so much more that I could go on forever..
Certified Divers
We did another dive today ,and tomorrow we have two more! The rest of the dives were just as wonderful.
So that’s it, I am now a certified Scuba Diver. I can go Scuba Diving wherever, whenever I want.
By Artemis Walden
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