Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Caleb Graduates from Grade 7

Yes, the house is up for sale. It has been for 4 weeks now. Very difficult waiting during this stage, at the same time, it is only one stage of the magnificant journey. The past 3 weeks have been a bit of an emotional rollar coaster. Waiting, hoping, visualizing, creating, studying, planning. What I realized after 3 weeks was that there is nowhere to go. What I mean is that wherever we end up wanting to be or go always leads us to the next stage of wanting and needing to be somewhere or have something. It never ends. So I am letting it go and just allowing it all to happen when it needs to happen. Not as simple as it sounds. It does work and feels great when I get in that state however. Yoga helps too. Meanwhile life continues and Caleb has graduated from Grade 7.

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