I have been cleaning like a maniac the past week. The entire downstairs is almost done, stuff sorted into boxes, lots of junk thrown out and items posted on craigslist. I have called the real estate lawyer, the accountant, the painter. The painter has been here for 3 days and the downstairs is looking just fabulous. We are also wanting to buy a house with my brother after selling so off we went to check out the open houses on the weekend. Lots of crap out there for a million dollars! There was only one house out of many that I thought would be something to consider and it was a house similar to the one we are living in right now.
Everything is speeding along, almost out of control, but hey I am in control am I not? However , over the past few days I am cranky, I have a headache, I am not able to make decisions about anything, I feel overwhelmed by all there is to do and I am exhausted! I know this is my way of allowing stress into my life. This is not the way however that I want to feel going through this amazing process and adventure. So, I am going to take the day off today. Go for a run, go out for coffee with a friend, attend a yoga class, relax and get back to a space where this is all fun. There is no hurry to get anywhere. There is nothing benificial in worrying or stressing. I am here right now living the adventure right now, ON the adventure right now! I want to enjoy it, every minute of it.
As for our travels on another plane, last Sunday Mark and I both had experiences which took us out of our bodies on a conscious level. He had a dream in a dream , waking up in the dream, thinking he was really awake, realizing that he was not and then waking up. I had a rather complicated dream where I was videotaping a scene of people interacting. I was conscious of videotaping the scene, moving the camera from one person to the next but still feeling outside the scene. Then one of the male characters turned towards the camera and looked right at me, staring at me and then I realized that I was actually there in the scene. It was so real. He continued staring at me and I thought "what am Idoing in this dream with this weirdo, this is the strangest choice of places to be." Then I woke up.
Very cool experience that shook me up all morning. Both of us were so excited to have experienced a glimpse of another consciousness in a conscious state. What we would like to do eventually is to meet in another consciousness.
Until the next posting...
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My discovery of TIME
"The distinction between past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." Albert Einstien
While meditating the other day, I realized and felt what Einstein meant by the above statement. I was thinking about my present life and all that is happening right now. I started to flow into thoughts about my past, random thoughts about all sorts of events that had happened throughout my life. I realized that if I can bring up any event from the past right now in my mind I could also bring up events from the future. Although I seemingly do not know what my future is I can create the events as I so desire. I began to visualize all sorts of future events with myself at random ages. I then realized that if I could bring these future events to my mind right now I could also bring events that could possibly take place in another consciousness(dreamstate). I started to visualize all forms of crazy events that I could possibly imagine from flying out to the universe to talking with animals. I continued this very fun game for a while. This is when I suddenly realized that all time, all events are present with me RIGHT NOW. I possess the ability to bring any event I choose in my life to me right now. The time, whether from the past or the future or from some other dimension, exists with me right now. It exists simultaneously.
This is a huge step in creating this trip that we are taking. The trip started with a thought, a great idea. This thought is with me now and continues to grow and materialize. This trip is happening now, has happened for me in the past (as the thought has been with me for a few years or maybe longer) and also exists in the future as I have all sorts of plans I am creating right now.
If the POINT OF POWER IS THE PRESENT then I want to create a trip of exciting adventures and incredible personal development. So I create it and we will see where it leads.
While meditating the other day, I realized and felt what Einstein meant by the above statement. I was thinking about my present life and all that is happening right now. I started to flow into thoughts about my past, random thoughts about all sorts of events that had happened throughout my life. I realized that if I can bring up any event from the past right now in my mind I could also bring up events from the future. Although I seemingly do not know what my future is I can create the events as I so desire. I began to visualize all sorts of future events with myself at random ages. I then realized that if I could bring these future events to my mind right now I could also bring events that could possibly take place in another consciousness(dreamstate). I started to visualize all forms of crazy events that I could possibly imagine from flying out to the universe to talking with animals. I continued this very fun game for a while. This is when I suddenly realized that all time, all events are present with me RIGHT NOW. I possess the ability to bring any event I choose in my life to me right now. The time, whether from the past or the future or from some other dimension, exists with me right now. It exists simultaneously.
This is a huge step in creating this trip that we are taking. The trip started with a thought, a great idea. This thought is with me now and continues to grow and materialize. This trip is happening now, has happened for me in the past (as the thought has been with me for a few years or maybe longer) and also exists in the future as I have all sorts of plans I am creating right now.
If the POINT OF POWER IS THE PRESENT then I want to create a trip of exciting adventures and incredible personal development. So I create it and we will see where it leads.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
First Step - Selling our Home
We have decided to embark on the physical travel from July 2008. A wedding in Edmonton of my cousin on July 12 will be the launching point to this journey. Prior to the wedding we have to clean up the house, sell the house, buy another house (we are planning to do this with my brother who will be 1/3 involved in the final purchase), and move into the new house. We are all very confident this will happen. The cleaning is on its way. I have alreay thrown out so many items that have been sitting in boxes or in dusty corners, things I never touched for years. You look at everything you own very differently when you think about whether or not you really need it, want it, or must store it.
I mentioned the MAGICAL JOURNEY in my previous post. Part of this journey is the discovery of our ability to Astral Travel and part of this journey is the tranformation of ourselves. Through the readings of SETH (books written by a being from another consciousness channelled through a woman by the name of JANE ROBERTS) we are learning to open ourselves and rediscover all the beliefs we have carried with us about our lives and our physical bodies.
SETH has much to say about beleifs and I encourage everyone to pick up a book; "Seth Speaks" or "The Nature of Personal Reality".
A few statements come up over and over again. "YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY" and "THE POINT OF POWER IS THE PRESENT". What does all this mean and how does and will it affect my life right now? I am learning and this is what the journey is all about. To begin first is to accept the BELEIF that YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY; meaning that you beleive that everything that is inyour reality, everything coming to your reality, everying about your physical being, including physical ailments are what you have created. It is as if you possess a cavas for your life and you paint your wants and desires everyday. And because you have created everything, you also have the power to change and create anything new that you so desire. Seem unbeleivable? Many of our very core beleifs do not allow us to understand or feel this. Beliefs about the world, religion, humanity, self worth.
That is what we have embarked upon, a discovery of our beleifs, reevaluating these beliefs, if necessary changing the belief thus changing our lives and our way of living.
I have two personal examples of the magic that can occur when you begin this process of belief reevaluation. I have had about 2 long term ailments all my life; one being cold sores and the other hay fever. For 35 years I have lived with both ailments always believing that there was no possible way I could every get rid of them. I always looked for a better cures, trying new cures, finding ways to eliminate them, fighting with myself everytime cold sores appreared or hay fever started in for another Spring and Summer.
Through examining my beliefs about cold sores, I have already managed to keep cold sores from developing on my lips 2 different occasions. I have always believed that cold sores for on my lips when I am stressed or overtired and most of the time they do. When I have stated to get a cold sore I curse saying"Ah not another cold sore. I hate these things. Oh god. They hurt so much. What can I do?". Complaining about them have never kept them away. Instead the past two times I have felt the tiny sensation of a cold sore I have said "My lips are healthy and beautiful. Cold sores do not need to appear on my lips. My lips are strong and resist the need for cold sores. My lips are healthy." Both occasions after I have felt the tingly sesation on my lips the cold sore has receeded.
Concerning allergies I first did in a meditative state, what is called a past regression to try and find the source from where I believed that I was a person who got allergies. I went back 35 years. I thought about first getting allergies. I couldn't remember the first time but I know that my mother had allergies, that when Spring arrived she would shut herself up in her room with the air conditioner. When she did come out she would start to sneeze and wheeze. I looked back into my past and thought of myself one time as a young girl getting very sore eyes, itching them so drastically that when my mother took my to the phamacist to get something to soothe them, he gasped in horror when I removed my hands from my eyes. I could sense that around that time I was starting to take on the similar symptoms that my mother experienced and at that point is when I started to believe that I was also going to have alleriges. SOOOOO, in my mind I changed the initial experience from the past. Instead of believing that I was contracting allergies as my mother had always experienced, I said it was just a small cold and that I really did not have allergies, I was not like my mother in getting allergies or allowing allergies. I was the kind of person that did not get allergies. I was healthy around Spring and Summer. I loved all the trees and the grass and the strong pollen smells in the air. I let this feeling of health travel with me through my years up to my present where now I could feel that I was a person who did not get allergies but was healthy and allergy free during the Spring and Summer. I held this feeling for a few minutes, really felt what it was like to be someone without allergies. I opened my eyes. I felt better but did not know if there would be any change or not.
That night I had a dream about an iguana/snake like animal coming out of my body. It slithered out about half of its body and then looked back at me wanting to slither back inside. I took hold of it with my LARGE hand and lifted it up in the air. I was angry and wanted to throw it but just at that point I heard SETH say (a quote I had read some time ago) "Hold it tenderly in your hands...". So I placed the snake like animal in the little stream below and told it to leave now and that it was not needed anymore.
This all took place a day after my first sensations of allergies, running nose, sore eyes, sneezing, about a week ago. I have not felt any symptoms of allergies since. I have been curious whether my allergies are truly gone. I stronger believe that I have rid myself of allergies.
There is much to create. There is much magic to be done. Stay tuned.
I mentioned the MAGICAL JOURNEY in my previous post. Part of this journey is the discovery of our ability to Astral Travel and part of this journey is the tranformation of ourselves. Through the readings of SETH (books written by a being from another consciousness channelled through a woman by the name of JANE ROBERTS) we are learning to open ourselves and rediscover all the beliefs we have carried with us about our lives and our physical bodies.
SETH has much to say about beleifs and I encourage everyone to pick up a book; "Seth Speaks" or "The Nature of Personal Reality".
A few statements come up over and over again. "YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY" and "THE POINT OF POWER IS THE PRESENT". What does all this mean and how does and will it affect my life right now? I am learning and this is what the journey is all about. To begin first is to accept the BELEIF that YOU CREATE YOUR OWN REALITY; meaning that you beleive that everything that is inyour reality, everything coming to your reality, everying about your physical being, including physical ailments are what you have created. It is as if you possess a cavas for your life and you paint your wants and desires everyday. And because you have created everything, you also have the power to change and create anything new that you so desire. Seem unbeleivable? Many of our very core beleifs do not allow us to understand or feel this. Beliefs about the world, religion, humanity, self worth.
That is what we have embarked upon, a discovery of our beleifs, reevaluating these beliefs, if necessary changing the belief thus changing our lives and our way of living.
I have two personal examples of the magic that can occur when you begin this process of belief reevaluation. I have had about 2 long term ailments all my life; one being cold sores and the other hay fever. For 35 years I have lived with both ailments always believing that there was no possible way I could every get rid of them. I always looked for a better cures, trying new cures, finding ways to eliminate them, fighting with myself everytime cold sores appreared or hay fever started in for another Spring and Summer.
Through examining my beliefs about cold sores, I have already managed to keep cold sores from developing on my lips 2 different occasions. I have always believed that cold sores for on my lips when I am stressed or overtired and most of the time they do. When I have stated to get a cold sore I curse saying"Ah not another cold sore. I hate these things. Oh god. They hurt so much. What can I do?". Complaining about them have never kept them away. Instead the past two times I have felt the tiny sensation of a cold sore I have said "My lips are healthy and beautiful. Cold sores do not need to appear on my lips. My lips are strong and resist the need for cold sores. My lips are healthy." Both occasions after I have felt the tingly sesation on my lips the cold sore has receeded.
Concerning allergies I first did in a meditative state, what is called a past regression to try and find the source from where I believed that I was a person who got allergies. I went back 35 years. I thought about first getting allergies. I couldn't remember the first time but I know that my mother had allergies, that when Spring arrived she would shut herself up in her room with the air conditioner. When she did come out she would start to sneeze and wheeze. I looked back into my past and thought of myself one time as a young girl getting very sore eyes, itching them so drastically that when my mother took my to the phamacist to get something to soothe them, he gasped in horror when I removed my hands from my eyes. I could sense that around that time I was starting to take on the similar symptoms that my mother experienced and at that point is when I started to believe that I was also going to have alleriges. SOOOOO, in my mind I changed the initial experience from the past. Instead of believing that I was contracting allergies as my mother had always experienced, I said it was just a small cold and that I really did not have allergies, I was not like my mother in getting allergies or allowing allergies. I was the kind of person that did not get allergies. I was healthy around Spring and Summer. I loved all the trees and the grass and the strong pollen smells in the air. I let this feeling of health travel with me through my years up to my present where now I could feel that I was a person who did not get allergies but was healthy and allergy free during the Spring and Summer. I held this feeling for a few minutes, really felt what it was like to be someone without allergies. I opened my eyes. I felt better but did not know if there would be any change or not.
That night I had a dream about an iguana/snake like animal coming out of my body. It slithered out about half of its body and then looked back at me wanting to slither back inside. I took hold of it with my LARGE hand and lifted it up in the air. I was angry and wanted to throw it but just at that point I heard SETH say (a quote I had read some time ago) "Hold it tenderly in your hands...". So I placed the snake like animal in the little stream below and told it to leave now and that it was not needed anymore.
This all took place a day after my first sensations of allergies, running nose, sore eyes, sneezing, about a week ago. I have not felt any symptoms of allergies since. I have been curious whether my allergies are truly gone. I stronger believe that I have rid myself of allergies.
There is much to create. There is much magic to be done. Stay tuned.
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